Kyle Goodman

‘First wave’ punk subculture, illustrated and analysed through editorial design, web design and poster design.

Aim’s: An analysis of ‘first wave’ punk subculture (1976-1979). Studying the political and social issues of the time and punk’s attitudes towards them. Punk’s aesthetic ‘style’ in relation to graphic design, fashion, music and art and how this ‘style’ has effected these creative areas over the past 40 years.

Fanzine: Exploring the issues raised above, this fanzine provides an educational stance on the ‘first wave’ of punk. In an engaging and digestible manner. Paired alongside original artwork.

Poster Series: Acting as a promotional arm for the fanzine and website. These posters attempt to engage the viewer and provoke interest in the fanzine/ website.

Website: Accompanying the print based outcomes is a website, which connects the tangible products with a virtual one. Allowing my project to be viewed by a greater audience.