Megan Hampton

Objecthood – An illustrative study of our behaviour and the relationships we have to everyday objects.

Why is this object required? What the object has done, and what the object can do, is completely within the limitations of that individual, their desire for it, their attachment to it, and their perception of it alone can transform the object, adopting an alternative function to suit our needs. The everyday object has become mundane, and overlooked, but when we revist it, look from a different angle, we may even understand something a little more about ourselves.

 This illustrative piece gives an insight to the influence objects have on us, from our constant accumulation, pride in display and alternative interpretation, objects fill a large space in our lives. Our body language, emotions and psychological needs shift when function and aesthetic appearance are secondary, what remains is the interaction between individual and object, and this is the narrative I want to introduce within these illustrations.